サバイバルゲーム「GREEN HELL(グリーンヘル)」の実績攻略を掲載しています。ストーリー部分のネタバレにはなるべく触れていませんが、本作は試行錯誤や探索が楽しいゲームでもあるので、気にされる方はブラウザバック推奨です。
GREEN HELL(グリーンヘル)の実績一覧
- You are not prepared:Finish the tutorial
- Soul Vine:Drink Ayahuasca
- It's all over, again:Finish the Story - Bad Ending
- Just, wait for me…:Finish the Story - "Good" Ending
- Greedy:Complete Story mode on any difficulty with gold sack in backpack
- Green Hell:Finish the game on Green Hell difficulty level
- Globetrotter:Travel 64 km
- I made fire!:Start a fire
- Welcome to the jungle:Survive 1 night in the jungle
- I made it:Survive 10 days on King of the Jungle difficulty or higher
- The first step to greatness:Die
- Tastes like chicken...:Eat human meat
- Self-defense:Kill a tribesman
- Caveman:Craft your first tool
- Vegan!:Survive 25 days solely on mushroom and plant-based food on Welcome to the Jungle difficulty or higher
- Pacifist:Survive 10 days on King of the Jungle difficulty or higher without killing animals, humans, destroying bee nests and interacting with traps
- Casted Far Away:Find an unexpected friend
- Making progress:Reach Max at any skill
- Iron Man:Create and wear a full metal armor set
- I'm saved:Save your game in a shelter
- It's all their fault:Find the mushroom that started it all
- Am I losing it?:Kill a Sanity tribesman
- Leeches, leeches everywhere:Remove 50 leeches from your body
- Improvise, adapt, survive:Let maggots eat your infected wound
- Home Sweet Home:Build your first shelter
- I have it!:Find the Cure
- Fresh Water:Drink safe water
- I don't need to sleep:Get 5 stacks of insomnia
- Keeper of the flame:Keep a single fire burning for over 5 days on Welcome to the jungle difficulty or higher
- Going back home:Make tortoise soup in it's shell
- Gotcha!:Catch 9 aquatic animals
- King of the jungle:Hunt a Rattlesnake, Jaguar, Puma, Caiman and 3 types of arachnids
- Do you want to play with a snowman?:Find a snowman package in 3 different locations
- Pyromaniac:Unlock 4 fire starting tools
- Mr... I don't feel so good:At the same time get leeches, worm, rash, fever, poison, food poisoning, parasites, insomnia, dirt and any wound
- Got to catch them all:Experience 12 unique diseases and wounds
- I'm not afraid of any work:Complete 7 Challenges
- Gardener:Cultivate 12 different plants
- Cartographer:Unlock 60 places on the map
- Librarian:Read 50 collectibles
Casted Far Away
It's all their fault
Do you want to play with a snowman?
Mr... I don't feel so good
- 不眠症になる
- 地面に寝て、腕に虫を付ける(寝すぎて不眠症が解消されないように注意)
- もう片方の腕にヒルが付くまで待つ
- 蟻の巣に接近して足に発疹を付ける
- 汚れた水に近付いて汚れるまで泥を手に取る(雨が降っていない状態なら、事前に汚れを付けていてもOK)
- 汚れた水を飲んで寄生虫を付ける
- 適当な草を食べて食中毒になる
- ヘビに咬まれる
- 竹
- バナナ
- ナッツ
- 緑色の果物
- 赤い花の植物(塊根を植える)
- トウモロコシのような見た目の果物
- ブラジルナッツ
- 赤い果物
- サイコトリア(乾燥した実を植える)
- 黄色の花が咲く包帯の素材(キンバイザサ)
- 紫の花が咲く未知のハーブ(ユリ)
- ピンクの花が咲く未知のハーブ(タバコ)